Shalini Karnani

About Shalini Karnani

Hi! I’m Shalini Karnani. I live in Largo, Florida, with my family. There are three people in my family: my husband, my son, and me.

I’ve been teaching in classrooms and online for two years. I am passionate about helping families bond with their young children through music. I enjoy meeting new people and love to travel. I’ve been to many places, including India, Singapore, Malaysia, Russia, France, Spain, Jamaica, Hong Kong, and more!
Meeting and learning about people from all over the world is one of my favorite things to do. I really like to try new foods! Whenever we can, my family and I enjoy cooking together, playing video games and board games, and swimming in our pool or at the beach. We also like to travel, taking road trips all over America. One of our favorite trips was to Hershey, Pennsylvania, where we ate lots of chocolate at the Hershey Chocolate Factory.

Other hobbies of mine include refurbishing old furniture, creating and listening to new music, gardening, and practicing yoga.


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