Teaching the world English, with the world’s best teachers

TeachCast is the industry leader of online language instruction for global business and education entities. TeachCast teachers are certified by their local Board of Education in the U.S. as licensed educators. Many are TESOL certified. In addition to their teaching credentials, TeachCast’s teachers must complete a rigorous thirty-hour training course focused on methods for teaching English as a second language and teaching online.

Tr. Hinton

I have been working as a tutor for years with my alma mater, UNC Greensboro in North Carolina. I have always had a desire to work in education

Shalini Karnani

Hi! I’m Shalini Karnani. I live in Largo, Florida, with my family. There are three people in my family: my husband, my son, and me. I’ve been teaching in classrooms and online for two years.

Saryna Nissen

Hi! My name is Saryna Nissen! I live in Orlando, FL, with my family. There are two people in my family: my husband and me. We also have a dog. She keeps us very busy!

Luis Salas

Hi! My name is Luis Salas! I live in Dallas, Texas, with my family. There are six people in my family: my mom, my sister, my brother, my sister-in-law, and my little nephew.

Janna Abraham

Hi, my name is Janna. I live in Lovell, Wyoming, in the United States. I am a certified teacher and have taught in the Wyoming Schools for many years.

Alec Butterfield

Hello! My name is Alec Butterfield. I live in Omaha, Nebraska, with my family. We have five people in our family: my sister, my brother, my mother, and my father. We have one pet dog, a golden retriever.


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