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Let’s Go (7 Levels)

Teachers and students love using Let’s Go because they see success from the very first lesson. Let’s Go gets children talking from the very beginning with English conversations, and question and answer practice.
Let’s Go offers seven levels. Each of the seven levels has a total of 32 lessons containing a self-study module and a TeachCast broadcast session. Learners take an online quiz after each unit.

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New Headway (10 Levels)

Headway introduces the higher level relevant English teaching needed for success today. Headway has become synonymous with English Language Teaching and learning along with enhancing reading and writing skills.
Headway features a perfectly-balanced grammar and skills syllabus, based on a world-renowned methodology that has been updated with new texts, topics and digital resources.

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Business Venture (3 Levels)

Learners enroll in this course will gain business English language skills and communication skills needed in day-to-day operations, in addition to persuasive/negotiation approaches and phrasings of leading discussions in meetings and English conversations.
Business Venture helps students with tips, tactics, and practice.

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