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Welcome to TeachCast-Saudi Arabia!

Please, read these Terms of Service carefully before using the Website and/or Services. If you do not accept these Terms of Service, including the agreement to arbitrate on an individual basis any claims between you and TeachCast, please, do not use the Website and do not click “Sign up as a student/tutor” (or similar) or otherwise use the Services.



1.1. Terms of Service

These Terms of Service (hereinafter – the “Terms”) describe the terms and conditions applicable to your access and use of the website and the website software related mobile devices made available through or in connection with the “Services”. The TeachCast website www.teachcast.me and www.teachcastwithoxford.me (the “Website”) and is an online platform intended to be used by students (and/or their parents) and tutors in connection with the Services.

Use of the Services of TeachCast (as defined above) is subject to these Terms of Service (the “Terms”) and any other rules or policies that are published on the Website that apply to specific activities in which you participate (for example, TeachCast Enterprise or Student competitions).

You agree that by using Services and providing the respective consent, you are agreeing to enter into a binding contract with TeachCast and indicate your unconditional acceptance of these Terms, on your own behalf and, if you are a Parent or Institution, on behalf of the Student represented by you who uses our Services.

You are entering into these Terms with TeachCast Inc. (referred to as “TeachCast”, “we” and “us”), a corporation registered and organized under the laws of the state of Delaware. These Terms, as well as the Refund and Payment Policy and Privacy Policy are binding agreements governing relationship between TeachCast and any User or visitor of the Website and Services. As a User or a visitor of our Services, the collection, use and sharing of your personal data is subject to the Privacy Policy and the respective updates. For more information about when, where, and why we collect personal data, how we use it, the conditions under which we may disclose it to others, your rights in respect of your personal data, please refer to our Privacy Policy.





1.2. Services of TeachCast

You may be accessing and using the Website, Service and Software of TeachCast as (i) a Student, (ii) a Parent, (iii) a Tutor, (iv) a Institution or(v) a visitor simply using the functionality, including reviewing the content, that is publicly available on the Website. Throughout these Terms “you” or “your” may refer as applicable to the Student, the Parent, each Tutor and Institution accessing or using any of our Services (each the “User”).

Our platform allows students (“Students”) and their parents/legal representatives/legal guardians (“Parents”) and insitutions enrolled in TeachCast Enterprise (“Institutions”) to connect for and deliver and pay for or receive payment for online and one-to-one lessons. The “Services” include the Website and any TeachCast related mobile devices (the “Software”), TeachCast Platform online video room), our online discussion forums and chat rooms, other services and features available through the Software.

1.3. Student Course of Study

Students who complete the following requirements will receive TeachCast Completion Certificate:

Percent of Grade
Module completion 30%
Quiz Scores 50%
TeachCast Broadcast Class Attendance 20%
All students must score 70% or higher to pass  


1.4. The TeachCast PLatform

The TeachCast Platform is a tool provided by TeachCast online learning platform to carry video lessons between Students and Tutors. Students and Tutors can connect easily through The Platform for a high quality and secure online learning environment.


1.5. Amendments to these Terms

We reserve the right to change these Terms from time to time for any reason by posting of the updated Terms to our Website with indication of the modification date at the top of this page. Please check this page to ensure that you’re happy with any changes. The additional notifications on any amendments will be sent to your email. By continuing to use the Services following amendment of these Terms, you consent to be bound by the Terms as amended.



2.1. Services Eligibility

TeachCast Services are available only to, and may only be used by, individuals who are 18 years and older who can form binding contracts under applicable law. Individuals under the age of 18 can use our Services only in conjunction with and under the supervision of a Parent. In this case, the Parent is responsible for any and all activities of the Student.


2.2. Privacy

You may browse through the Website without providing personally identifiable information. To use the Services, we may require provide us consensually your personal data. Please refer to our Privacy Policy for additional information on our practices for handling, processing and securing user’s personal data. When you choose to register for or participate in Services or other events in relation to the Services, you agree that you will provide accurate, complete, and up to date personal data as requested on the screens that collect information from you.

2.3. Payment

We use third party payment services (Master card, Visa card, Mada, American Express, STC pay, Apple pay) to bill you, as Students, through an online account payment of directly processing your credit/debit card information. Please read more about the privacy security in our Privacy Policy. These payment services are enabling your transfer of funds as payment for Services provided on the Website. If you make payments via our Website or through any related service, you agree that your activities are subject to our additional payment terms specified in the Refund and Payment Policy.


2.4. Refund

TeachCast’s users are never eligible for refunds. TeachCast strives to ensure clear understanding of financial relations with Students with respect to the Services it provide. However, in case Students/Institutions are not satisfied with the Services, they may be eligible for funds reallocation by which they are allowed to use the amounts already paid to proceed with different tutors. For changing tutors requests students may contact support@teachcast.me.



3.1. Tutors’ Introduction Video and Profile Picture

Tutors grant TeachCast the rights to use Tutor’s Introduction video, name and profile picture for marketing, advertising or promotional purposes. TeachCast may publish Tutor’s Introduction videos and profile pictures to our official channels in third-party social media advertising system, video hosting and streaming services, such as YouTube, Vimeo, Facebook or others, as to ensure accessibility and visibility to TeachCast students regardless of location. You may always request to remove any Introduction videos published to our official channels in third-party social media, video hosting and streaming services by writing to support@teachcast.me


3.2. Lesson Recording

You acknowledge and agree that, from time to time, TeachCast may record videos of your lessons. This recording is intended solely for the purpose of ensuring the quality of TeachCast Services. Recordings will not be shared externally, used for individual targeting, or used for any sales, marketing, or other promotional purposes. By using TeachCast services, you agree and give consent for such recordings that is gratuitous, unsolicited, and without restriction. You agree that TeachCast may use these recordings without obligations, and without any additional compensations. You may opt out of any recordings of your lessons or request to remove any existing recordings by writing to support@TeachCast.me.


3.3. Referral Program

Students (henceforth the Student Referrer) and tutors (henceforth the Tutor Referrer) may invite another individual who is not, and has never been, a registered user of TeachCast (henceforth the Referee) with a referral link. Clicking on referral link entitles the Referee to a discount off their initial purchase.

Referral links are valid only for the user to whom they are sent and may only be redeemed by the Referee to whom they are sent. We reserve the right to terminate any accounts found in violation and remove any TeachCast Credits or Referral Bonus accumulated in violation of these Terms with or without notice.

The Student Referrer will be entitled to receive a discount in the form of TeachCast Credits when the Referee makes their initial purchase using the discount from the referral link. The discount amount for the Student Referrer and the Referee is subject to change. TeachCast Credits are valid only in exchange for lessons taken on TeachCast and may not be exchanged for cash.


3.4. Limits

While using the Services, you agree that you will:

  1. Comply with all applicable laws, including, without limitation, privacy laws, intellectual property laws, anti-spam laws, etc.
  2. Provide accurate information to us and keep it updated.
  3. Use the Services and Website in a manner that is lawful, relevant and proper to the applicable laws.

Any use of the Website that TeachCast, in its sole discretion, found inappropriate and/or offensive may result in suspension and/or termination of a User with or without notice.



Users have a personal, non-transferable, non-exclusive right to access and use the Content of this Website subject to these Terms. The “Content” means all information, text, materials, images, data, links, software, or other material accessible through the Website or Services, whether created by us or provided by another person for display on the Website or through the Services.



You acknowledge and agree that we may provide you with a mechanism to provide feedback, suggestions, and ideas, if you choose, about our Services (the “Feedback”) and public feedback from Users with whom you have transacted.

By submitting any Feedback you provide us a written consent to use your Feedback in improvement and promoting the Services; you agree that submitting a Feedback is gratuitous, unsolicited and without restriction and will not place us under any obligations, and that we are free to use the Feedback without any additional compensation to you, and/or to disclose the Feedback on a non-confidential basis or otherwise to anyone.



We may terminate any User’s access to our Website in our sole discretion, for any reason and at any time, with or without prior notice. It is our policy to terminate Users who violate these Terms, as deemed appropriate in our sole discretion.



Use of the Services is entirely at your own responsibility. TeachCast disclaims all liability in connection with any interactions, correspondence, transactions, and other dealings that you have through our platform.

We provide no warranty of any kind, either express or implied. TeachCast does not warrant that: (i) the information available on this Website is free of errors; (ii) the functions or services (including but not limited to mechanisms for the downloading and uploading of content) provided by this Website will be uninterrupted, secure, or free of errors; (iii) defects will be corrected, or (iv) this Website or the server(s) that makes it available are free of viruses or other harmful components.




By using the Services, you agree to indemnify, hold harmless and defend TeachCast and its subsidiaries, affiliates, shareholders, officers, directors, agents, licensors, suppliers, other partners, employees, and representatives from any claims, damages, losses, liabilities, and all costs and expenses.



Any dispute arising out of students claims shall be finally resolved by an internal arbitration, by accepting these terms of service you agree to any resolution resulting from such internal arbitration. To submit a dispute, you may contact support@TeachCast.me



These Terms, together with any amendments and any additional agreements you may enter into with TeachCast in connection with the Services, shall constitute the entire agreement between you and TeachCast concerning the Services. If any part of these Terms is held to be unlawful, void, or unenforceable, that part will be deemed severable and shall not affect the validity and enforceability of the remaining provisions.


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