سياسة الخصوصية


TeachCast is committed to protecting your personal data. We tried to write down this Privacy Policy in the most clear and plain language possible. Likewise, we tried to provide you with our privacy commitments in a transparent and easily accessible way. That said, we hope you will get all needed details to be assured your personal data is safe with us.

Before you give us your consent on the processing of your personal data or provide us with your personal data within any form on our website, we kindly ask you to read carefully this Privacy Policy, so we can be sure that you completely understand the conditions under which we would cooperate. This Privacy Policy applies to your use of the Services of TeachCast, as defined in our Terms of Service. TeachCast offers you options concerning data we process, use and share as described in this Privacy Policy.

This Privacy Policy explains when, where, and why we process personal data about people who use TeachCast, how we use it, the conditions under which we may disclose it to others, your rights in respect of your personal data, as well as how we keep it secure.



Anyone can access our Website without the necessity to register an account. Therefore, limited use of the Services is always possible without the provision of your personal details (for example, browse the Website, check how TeachCast works, look through the list of tutors, review the variety of services etc.). However, whenever you access the Website we collect log information and put cookies on your device, by which we track your activity on the Website. You can always opt out from cookies except from those, without which the Website cannot work.

When you are a registered User, TeachCast may collect from you and process Cookie identifiers and those data you specifically provide us with upon registration, including first name, last name, email, phone number, time zone, interface language, IP address, and device type.

Registered Users may additionally provide us with added profile pictures as well as chosen currency to perform actions pursuant to our Refund and Payment Policy.

We may change this Privacy Policy from time to time, so please check this page to ensure that you’re happy with any changes. We will post those changes on this page and update the Privacy Policy modification date at the top of this page. The additional notifications on any amendments will be sent to your email.

Any questions regarding this Policy and our services should be sent to support@teachcast.me.

  1. Main definitions of personal data processing of personal data.

Personal data is any information relating to you and that alone or in combination with other pieces of information gives the opportunity to a person that collects and processes such information to identify you as an individual.

Processing of the personal data means any operation with your personal data, whether or not by automated means, as collection, recording, organization, structuring, storage, adaptation or alteration, retrieval, consultation, use, disclosure by transmission, dissemination or otherwise making available, alignment or combination, restriction, removal or destruction.

Data subject is any identified or identifiable natural person, whose personal data is processed by the controller responsible for the processing; means you as a user of TeachCast.

Consent of the data subject/user is any freely given, specific, informed and unambiguous indication of the data subject/user’s wishes by which he or she, by a statement or by a clear affirmative action, signifies agreement to the processing of personal data relating to him or her.


  1. TeachCast’s lawful bases for processing

TeachCast processes your personal data only when we have lawful bases. Specifically, TeachCast processes your personal data if:

  • processing is based on the consent you have given. As such our newsletters, collection, analysis, and publication of user feedback and reviews, analysis of video lessons, and placement of different types of cookies is based on your consent.
  • processing is necessary to provide our services to you according to our Terms of Service which constitute a contract between you and us as regards to information services of TeachCast.


  1. Data We Collect: Scope

TeachCast collects from you only the following information and only for the stated below purposes:

  • Account for students

TeachCast collects and processes personal data submitted by you upon registration and further editing of settings in your Account.

  • Posting of Information

We process personal data freely submitted to you on TeachCast. This may be survey you fill in on TeachCast or feedback you provide us with.

  • Service Use, Cookies and other Similar Technologies

When you use our Services, we monitor and analyze web traffic and keep track of your behavior while using our Services. We may receive the information about your IP address, proxy server and operating system, the web browser or your mobile carrier and location based on phone settings.

  • Billing information

Details of transactions you carry out through our Website (as ID, date and time of transaction).

  • Sensitive data

Unless you expressly agree, TeachCast does not process your sensitive data.


  1. Data We Collect: Purposes

We may process your personal data you provided us voluntarily with for the purposes defined below. From our perspective, we process your personal data to personalize the use of TeachCast to the fullest extent possible and to provide you with the high-quality Services under the Terms of Service.

  • Provision of Services

Primarily, we process your personal data to authorize access to our Services and to fulfill our obligations under the Terms of Service for Services provision.

  • Payment Services

We use third-party payment providers to bill you through an online account payment of directly processing your credit/debit card information. Our payment providers are (Master card, Visa card, Mada, American Express, STC pay, Apple pay). We do not store your payment information on our servers.

  • “Tell-A-Friend”

For referral service purposes named “Tell-A-Friend”, we generate a personalized referral link for you to share with your friends to sign them up.

  • Communications

We may also contact you via email and other ways, including through publicly available notices, for the Services-related purposes (welcoming letter, security and other notices, announcements, TeachCast updates, reminders, suggestions etc.). We could also use your data to enable you to communicate with other users through TeachCast.


We hope this Privacy Policy helped you to understand how your personal data will be dealt here at TeachCast. We will take care of your personal data, so you can use our Services and not to be concerned over your privacy. Should you have anything to tell us, e-mail us at support@teachcast.me. We will be happy to receive any information or comment from you to make our platform better for our users.


We are using cookies on our website

Please confirm, if you accept our tracking cookies. You can also decline the tracking, so you can continue to visit our website without any data sent to third party services.