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let's go

This course consists of (7 Levels). Make sure to take our placement test to identify the right level for you. If you are a returning customer, you may skip this step. Please click the following link to take the test.

Teachers and students love using “Let’s Go” because they see success from the very first lesson. “Let’s Go” gets children talking from the very beginning with English conversations, and question and answer practice.

“Let’s Go” offers seven levels. Each of the seven levels has a total of 32 lessons containing a self-study module and a TeachCast broadcast session. Learners take an online quiz after each unit. In addition, there is a mid-term test and a final test. Student progress is tracked for their own personal use or for the use of parents and educators.

Feel confident
“Let’s Go” teaches each language pattern step by step and repeats it with plenty of practice which enhances the confidence for kids at this age category!

Speak fluently
“Let’s Go” uses children’s natural skills through music and movement with the acclaimed Carolyn Graham’s fabulous songs, chants, and drum tracks – so they will remember the language and build their fluency.

Pass exams successfully
TeachCast® with Oxford uses “Let’s Go” materials to ensure your children achieve success in English.

Upcoming Dates for Let's Go one to Group Course


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