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Test your students’ English level quickly and easily with the Oxford Placement Test, which has helped place millions of students in the right class.

  • Suitable for students aged 16+.
  • 100% online so students can take it at home or at school.
  • Automatically marked with instant results so you can start teaching the same day.
  • Learning Management System makes it easy to set up tests and manage results.
  • Computer adaptive technology gives more precise results than traditional placement tests.
  • Results include CEFR level (Pre-A1 to C2), a score out of 120, and the time taken.
  • Report cards include results for each section, a score guide and information on communicative competencies.

Ideal for home use

The Oxford Placement Test is ideal for testing students who are studying remotely. Clear guides for teachers and learners provide step-by-step support through every stage of taking the test.

What it tests

The Oxford Placement Test has two sections – Use of English and Listening.

The Use of English section assesses students’ knowledge of grammatical form and vocabulary.

The Listening section assesses students’ general listening ability.

Both sections test how well students understand the meaning of what is being communicated, which is an excellent indicator of general language ability


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