Tr. Hinton

About Tr‚ Hinton

Hello! My name is LeVontré (Tré) Hinton, and I live in Charlotte, NC.

I have been working as a tutor for years with my alma mater, UNC Greensboro in North Carolina. I have always had a desire to work in education or academia in some way, and I love being able to be in a position to both educate and hopefully inspire.

Outside of work, I spend a great deal of time working on my creative projects. I am an unpublished creative writer who favors fantasy and sci-fi short stories and novels for both consumption and composition. I also love spending time with my close friends, as well as doing research for the criticisms and analyses I write on television and cinema.

Other than writing and consuming far too much film and television, I am also a comic book enthusiast. I fell in love with writing through my exposure to characters from the pages of comic books as a child. Today, I absorb all forms of comic book media. Captain America has always been my favorite!


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