Luis Salas

About Luis Salas

Hi! My name is Luis Salas! I live in Dallas, Texas, with my family. There are six people in my family: my mom, my sister, my brother, my sister-in-law, and my little nephew. We also have a small dog named Whoopy. Other than the fact that he barks a lot, we really enjoy having him at home!

I have taught students in different grade levels, mainly elementary school, during my time at a local school district. I enjoy helping others understand something that they did not know before!

When I am not teaching, I love to spend time with family and friends. We watch movies together, go to the park, go camping, or play games. I like to travel, and I would like to do it a lot more. I like to learn about nature by going camping, and I also like to visit new cities. Playing and watching sports are my favorite hobbies! I never miss a Dallas Mavericks game! My favorite sports are basketball and American football.


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