Alec Butterfield

About Alec Butterfield

Hello! My name is Alec Butterfield. I live in Omaha, Nebraska, with my family. We have five people in our family: my sister, my brother, my mother, and my father. We have one pet dog, a golden retriever.

I have had many different jobs, from teaching science and math in an afterschool program to waiting tables at a Korean restaurant. I enjoy learning new things and meeting new people!

In my home, I like to work with technology. I built the computer that I am using to teach! I also like to ride my bicycle when it is warm. In Nebraska, the weather can get very cold! When it snows, I like to ride my snowboard. I also play the guitar and enjoy many kinds of music.

A few years ago, I traveled to Indonesia to meet some of my long-distance friends. It was a fun experience! I ate street food, like satay, and walked around the Tangerang area. It was very different from my home, it was warm, and there was no snow, but I still loved it!


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