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Business Venture

This course consists of (3 Levels). Make sure to take our placement test to identify the right level for you. If you are a returning customer, you may skip this step. Please click the following link to take the test.

“Business Venture” helps students with tips, tactics, and practice. it shows flexibility in the unit structure, more clarity in the unit layout, and 20 pages of additional practice for students.

“Business Venture” has a clear structure and easy-to-follow layout in every unit, it includes supported business Englishspeaking skills and listening practice English for speakers, audio listening activities and culture file at the end of each unit along with useful tips about Saudi customs.

Run multinational business
Learners enroll in this course will gain business English language skills and communication skills needed in day-to-day operations and communications.

Lead meetings
Head the meetings and video conferencing session confidently by using persuasive and negotiation approaches and phrasings of.

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