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This course consists of (10 Levels). Make sure to take our placement test to identify the right level for you. If you are a returning customer, you may skip this step. Please click the following link to take the test.

“Headway” introduces the higher level relevant English teaching needed for success today. it has become synonymous with English Language Teaching and learning along with enhancing reading and writing skills.

“Headway” includes inspiring photographs and accompanying videos that engage students and attract their full attention all along the class duration.

Enhance your skills
“Headway” features a perfectly-balanced grammar and skills syllabus, based on a world-renowned methodology that has been updated with new texts, topics and digital resources.

Use English daily
“Headway” includes English conversations and real life English that is relevant to students’ lives with new topics and themes grounded in today’s reality.

Get promoted
The better you speak English in workplace, the more you get chances of achieving progress on both of your career and position.

Upcoming Dates for Let's Go one to Group Course


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